BETWON – 2011 Kentucky Derby Super Screener Squeeze – Super Screener
Super Screener

BETWON – 2011 Kentucky Derby Super Screener Squeeze

  • What’s important – and what’s not – when handicapping the Kentucky Derby and why most “experts” are wrong
  • The results of a massive research study for identifying patterns amongst the winners and losers (the findings are not what you expect)
  • How to determine whether or not a prep was good or bad – even if the horse lost – and why the last prep is not always the one you should consider
  • The “10 Point Rule” and why it eliminates numerous contenders every year
  • Why the “second call” is so critical in determining whether or not a horse is a “use” or a “toss”
  • The #1 rule for crossing a horse out, or using it, when putting your tickets together[/red_tick_list]