2012 – Kentucky Derby Super Screener – 2 – Super Screener
Super Screener

2012 – Kentucky Derby Super Screener – 2

[headline_arial_small_centered color=”#444444″]Download Your FREE Copy Of The Kentucky Derby “Sneak Preview” Super Screener & You’ll…[/headline_arial_small_centered]
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  • Get FREE access to 5 of the 10 Screening criteria
  • A sneak preview of the top Graded Stake earners prior to their final, and most critical prep (include a rating of preps run to date)
  • Enjoy a compelling introduction to Super Screener first timers
  • Learn the results of robust study with key findings that work when it comes to picking and betting the Kentucky Derby
  • Receive a complete recap of last year’s Kentucky Derby including a review of how the Super Screener performed
  • A highlight of the actual finish versus the Screener projected finish from past Kentucky Derby’s
  • What others said about last year’s Super Screener and its results
